
In-Heritage banner

Brief description

Interreg Logo of the IN-HERITAGE Project 

The Municipality of Rethymnon with the National Confederation of People with Disabilities (NCDP), on behalf of the Greek side and the Municipality of Ayia Napa with the Municipality of Sotiras, on behalf of the Cypriot side, are implementing the "Accessible Nature and Culture-Sustainable Tourism" Project, acronymed "IN-HERITAGE" (MIS: 5050132), which has been approved and funded under the Interreg V-A "Greece-Cyprus 2014-2020" Cross-border Cooperation Programme, co-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and  national funds of the Greece and Cyprus.

The IN-HERITAGE Project concerns the improvement of accessibility to natural and cultural sites in the three municipalities, the promotion of these sites and the development of common strategies and tools aimed at tourism for all. The cross-border region, and in particular the three municipalities of Rethymnon, Ayia Napa and Sotiras, are popular tourist destinations with outstanding natural and cultural characteristics. Given the need to improve the quality of the tourist product, the extension of the tourist season and the expansion of their share of the tourist market, the three municipalities are systematically trying to attract new categories of visitors, such as elderly people and people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility.

Project Beneficiaries (project partners)

Project Data 

  • Priority Axis: 3. Preservation and protection of the environment and risk prevention
  • Thematic Objective: 6. Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiencyν
  • Investment Priority: 6c. Preservation, protection, promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage
  • Intervention Category: 094 - Protection, development and promotion of elements of public cultural heritage
  • Total budget: €1.200.810,00
  • Starting date: 26/03/2021
  • Ending date: 30/06/2023
  • MIS ID: 5050132

The Project is co-funded by the European Union and by national funds of Greece and Cyprus.