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Project outputs

Outputs - Deliverables

For the Municipality of Rethymno, it will be the organization of 1 day, the printing of the informational material and the installation of project signs, the renovation of the olive press and its conversion into an exhibition space and the strengthening of accessibility to the monumental areas of the Municipality by the installation of Braille signs and the purchase of a small electric vehicle to facilitate people with mobility problems.

For the Municipality of Agia Napa it will be the organization of 1 conference, the printing of 1000 posters in 3 languages, registrations-press releases, the installation of a system for the access of people with visual impairments to the municipality's beach, accessibility projects for the disabled at Nisi beach, improvement of accessibility to people with visual and hearing impairments in the Municipal Museum of the Sea, disability accessibility projects in the land area of the port, study and supplies for disability accessibility in the Municipality's event spaces and training of staff to serve the disabled.

For NCDP it will be the participation in 2 days and the publicity material of the Project (brochure, poster, website, video, promotional USB, etc.)

For the Municipality of Sotiras, it will be the organization of 1 day, registrations-press releases, the preparation of a study with the corresponding construction works and supplies for the accessibility of the disabled in the areas where the most important events of the Municipality are organized and staff training for the service of the disabled.

All this will translate into an increase in the number of visits to supported areas of cultural and natural heritage and tourist interest boosting sustainable tourism with a number of around 100,000 additional visits.

Expected results

The 3 Municipalities are popular tourist destinations with exceptional natural and cultural features. Given the need to improve the quality of the tourist product they offer, extend the tourist season and expand the share of the tourist market they hold, the three municipalities systematically engage in an effort to attract new visitors such as the disabled.

The project, a continuation of interventions carried out during the previous program period, aims at the accessibility of areas of natural and cultural interest to the above tourists, who are known to be loyal customers who travel mainly in periods of low demand.

The implementation of the project will have, on the one hand, direct results for the benefit of the disabled and those population groups that have the same needs as them, since they will be able to visit these places safely, and on the other hand, indirect results, as this tourism can be a springboard for an economic development in the three municipalities.

Expected results of the project will be, through the interventions in all three Municipalities, the increase in the number of annual overnight stays to a number that we estimate will reach 50,000 people in total in all 3 Municipalities. Very important contribution in relation to the Program result indicators.

Following the interventions in the urban environment with the previous project, we are now proceeding with interventions in the countryside and in the culture sector. We thus create a more complete tourist product package very attractive for the special target group with disabilities.

The choices are more and therefore the demand is greater. We have already entered world maps and tourist guides as accessible destinations with a continuous increase in visits. Therefore, the completion of the product will lead to the achievement of the above goal.