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Specific objectives

The Programme focuses on the following three priorities:

  • Strengthening competitiveness and entrepreneurship in the cross-border region.
  • Efficient use of energy and sustainable transport.
  • Conservation and protection of the environment and risk prevention.

The Specific Objectives (SOs) per priority axis are as follows:

Priority axis

Specific objective

Priority axis 1: Strengthening competitiveness and entrepreneurship in the cross-border region

SP 1.1 - Increasing the use of ICT in areas of common interest (e-government, e-business, e-culture and e-tourism)

SP 1.2 - Strengthening the outward-looking dimension of SMEs

Priority axis 2: Energy efficiency and sustainable transport

PS 2.1 - Increasing energy savings in public buildings

PS 2.2 - Reducing the environmental footprint of public transport in urban areas with significant air pollution.

PS 2.3 - Enhancing interoperability and safety in maritime transport

Priority axis 3: Preservation and protection of the environment and risk prevention

HS 3.1 - Improving joint risk management of natural, technological and humanitarian disasters

HS 3.2 - Improving the attractiveness of areas of natural and cultural interest

HS 3.3 - Improving maritime spatial planning and management of the coastal zone

NS 3.4 - Improving efficiency in the use of waste and water resources

Technical Assistance of the Programme